Table of Contents
Apologist Agent utilizes Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) to give a Large Language Model (LLM) context through which to derive its responses. The list of sources drawn upon continues to grow daily as publishers, apologetics ministries, and independent apologists submit their materials for consideration via Apologist Ignite. However, a list of base sources as of the time of release is provided below:
Apostolic Period (30-150) #
- King James (Authorised) Version Bible
- Apostle’s Creed (c. 150)
- Didache (c. 150)
Ante-Nicene Period (150-325) #
- Nicene Creed (325)
Early Middle Ages (325-1054) #
- Against the Heathen (Athanasius, c. 335)
- On the Incarnation of the Word (Athanasius, c. 335)
- Confessions (Augustine, c. 400)
- City of God (Augustine, c. 426)
- Athanasian Creed (c. 550)
Late Middle Ages (1054-1517) #
- Summa Theologica (Thomas Aquinas, 1274)
- Imitation of Christ (Thomas á Kempis, 1420)
- Eastern Orthodox Statement of Faith (1455)
The Reformation (1517-1800) #
- On the Bondage of the Will (Martin Luther, 1525)
- Augsburg Confession (1530)
- Institutes of the Christian Religion (John Calvin, 1536)
- Scots Confession (1560)
- Belgic Confession (1562)
- Heidelberg Catechism (1563)
- Anglican Articles of Religion (1571)
- The Five Articles of the Remonstrants (1610)
- Canons of Dort (1618)
- Arminian Confession (1621)
- Westminster Confession (1646)
- Mortification of Sin in Believers (John Owen, 1656)
- On Temptation (John Owen, 1658)
- Savoy Declaration of Faith (1658)
- Baptist Statement of Faith (1689)
- Practice of the Presence of God (Brother Lawrence, 1692)
- Methodist Statement of Faith (1738)
Modern Era (1800-) #
- Apostolic Lutheran Church Statement of Faith (1872)
- Heretics (G.K. Chesterton, 1905)
- Orthodoxy (G.K. Chesterton, 1908)
- Apostolic Church Statement of Faith (1908)
- Assemblies of God Statement of Faith (1914)
- Pentecostal Statement of Faith (1916)
- The Cost of Discipleship (Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 1937)
- Evangelical Free Church Statement of Faith (1950)
- United Church of Christ Statement of Faith (1959)
- Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy (1978)
- Presbyterian Statement of Faith (1990)
- Catholic Statement of Faith (1998)
- Episcopal Statement of Faith (2024)