
Introducing “Alim”, a conversational AI aimed at ministering to the Muslim community!

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A Contributor is any person that was involved in publishing a written apologetics work (book, article, etc). While the author is usually the primary Contributor, other people may have participated in different roles — such as translators, editors, commentators, and foreword / introduction writers.

Contributor profiles consist of biographical information about the Contributor him/herself, whereas the Contributor’s role on a given Source is their Contribution. For example, a Contributor may be the author of a Source while at the same time being the foreword writer of another Source. Think of a Contributor as the person, and the Contribution as the Contributor’s role in the publishing of a Source.

Add a Contributor #

Click on the “Add Contributor” button to add a new Contributor. Fill out the form with as much information as you can about the Contributor. The person’s first and last name are required; all other fields are optional. Most names have at least 2 parts even if not cleanly “first” and “last” names. For example, “Leo XII” and “Augustine of Hippo” could be broken up into 2 parts even though neither are represented as having first and last names. Contributors must be approved by a member of our staff before they become visible to users outside your Team.

Edit a Contributor #

Click on a row in the Contributors table to edit that Contributor. The Contributor’s details may then be edited and saved. Note that as per the approval process for Contributors, the Contributor “Summary” section can no longer be edited once the Contributor is submitted for approval, or after it is finally approved.

Archive / Restore a Contributor #

Contributors may be archived by clicking on the “Archive” button on the bottom right of the Edit form. Once a Contributor is archived, that person will no longer be seen by users outside your Team. An archived Contributor may be restored by clicking on the “Restore” button on the bottom right of the Edit form.

Managing Contributions #

Contributors relate to Sources through a Contribution, each of which is assigned a role. On the “Source Contributions” tab below the main Contributor Edit form, there is a table of Contributions that particular Contributor has made to various Sources. You may add more Contributions, edit existing Contributions, and archive / restore existing Contributions.

A Source and role must be specified for each Contribution. There is no limit to how many Contributions a Contributor has. The “Author” role is treated as the primary Contribution, whereas all others are represented as secondary.