
Introducing “Alim”, a conversational AI aimed at ministering to the Muslim community!

Meet Them
Where They Are

The Apologist Project is a nonprofit on a mission to break down barriers to belief through a curated, AI-infused Christian apologetics knowledge ecosystem.

Troubling Trends Now is the time to act.

Today's working professional is educated, technologically savvy, and distracted by information overload. We need to meet non-believers where they are and speak to them in ways they respond to — using modern, visually appealing digital products that present God’s truth.

“U.S. adults who have moved away from Christianity are younger, on average, than those who have remained Christian after a Christian upbringing. … This age pattern aligns with a decades-long trend in which each cohort of young adults is less religiously affiliated than the preceding one.” [Pew]

Churches are closing faster than they are opening. Young adults are turning their backs to God. Post-pandemic church attendance is lower; many people decided not to come back or prefer to worship virtually. [Pew]

U.S. Christians projected to fall below 50% of population if recent trends continue

The mission field is moving online.

Lost in a Marketplace of Ideas
Western society is already being influenced by AIs that promote secular ideals
Lack of Compassion
Non-believers are sometimes alienated and intimidated by judgmental Christians
Biblical Knowledge Trending Downward
Each successive generation knows less about the fundamentals of Christianity
Majoring in the Minors
Believers and non-believers alike often get wrapped up in non-essentials of the faith