
Introducing Apologist Ignite

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Today we’re announcing the public beta of Apologist Ignite. Apologist Ignite is a marketing platform made for apologetics ministries and publishers, as well as independent apologists.

Our initial offering allows teams to collaborate on managing apologist profiles and upload sources authored by them. Those sources are then added to the corpus of materials that Apologist Agent draws on in its response to users. If a given source material is used in a response, Apologist Agent cites it and links it to a URL of your choosing (e.g., a referral link to purchase the full text). You gain exposure for your apologetics resources, and Apologist Agent gets smarter. It’s a win-win.

In the future, Apologist Social will include a directory of apologetics resources available to the community. You will be able to advertise your resources and events to a captive audience.