Introducing Apologist Social

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Introduction to The Apologist Project

We’re extremely excited to announce the beta launch of, a directory of Christian apologetics resources. With the introduction of, our Christian apologetics ecosystem now has all the major pieces in place; our platform provides a comprehensive solution for creators and consumers of Christian apologetics alike.

The beta launch of Apologist Social includes over 1,000 Christian apologetics resources. Over time, we’ll be adding in more community features to allow users to have discussions, as well as rate and review apologetics materials and apologetics ministries. We welcome any feedback or suggestions on what resources to add to the directory.

If you’re an independent apologist or represent an apologetics ministry or publisher, sign up for Apologist Ignite to manage your apologetics materials on the platform. This is your chance to get in early while all our platform is absolutely 100% free during the beta period. You will get free exposure and reach a captive audience looking for apologetics materials like yours!