Apologist Beacon Released Q1 2024

Embed Our Advanced AI Agent on Your Website

Is your church or ministry inundated with theological questions outside of business hours? Let our embedded chatbot field common questions, then follow up when a further conversation with a human being is needed.

Add Apologist Beacon to Your Website

Adding Apologist Beacon to your website is easy. Paste this HTML snippet before the end of your page’s <body> tag. The language will default to English, but you may change it via the data-lang attribute to any of the specified language codes.

You have the option of including the Apologist Agent header by specifying your choice in the data-header attribute. If your organization has an outreach phone number, you can include that using the data-phone attribute or even provide a QR code to launch a text message session by supplying the URL for a QR code via the data-qr attribute. The phone number and/or QR code will be displayed at the end of each response Apologist Agent sends back.

You may also pass in your preferred Bible translation abbreviation using the data-translation parameter (e.g., “esv”). Finally, you may add any valid CSS color value in the data-color attribute to replace the primary color.

Finally, the data-corpus attribute identifies a subset of Apologist Ignite Sources to limit the context that Agent uses in its responses to those Sources.

Check out a demo by clicking on the Apologist Beacon icon in the lower right of your screen.

    data-corpus="[corpus ID]"
    data-color="[any valid CSS color]"
    data-phone="[phone number]"
    data-qr="[QR code URL]"